Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Day Before Easter

Did the world
with regret, remorse?
Did the animals
the secret
the magical redeeming essence
Or was it
just another day?
Was it
on earth while
heaven waited
with anticipation
for you
to burst out
to bring life
to deliver us
from evil
Or was it the same
as yesterday?
What did your heart feel?
What raced through your mind?
Did you want to explode with excitement?
Or were you mischeveously quiet
and then, like a crazy prank
you showed up?
Did you want to wear
a funny hat
or a clown nose?
Did it feel like you were
celebrating everyone's birthday?
Did you love watching the
surprised faces?
Did you hug your Father
for a moment
then return
to hug us, too?
Did you go to Hell,
slap the devil in the face--in his shocked face--
and then race to meet your Father
with open arms
wide spread and reaching?
Did you fall down laughing
with glee
rolling in plush grass
dandelions and butterflies
bright blue sky
magic marker colors blazing
and angels, puppies, and children
joining in the joy
of your Truth made real
of your Love given freely?
What did you do the day before
you conquered death
set us


Dani said...

I love how purely profound, yet purely innocent this is.

Jody said...

Thanks, Dani!
I just started writing random thought the day before Easter and tried to be free in my thoughts, questions.

Lauren said...

Aw. I thought this was really good =] Had this fresh kinda feel to it that I liked. You should totally help me find a literary magazine to send stuff to ^.^ Cuz I really want to lol

Lauren said...

Hey Ms.Evans! You should deffinately look at my blog =] and read what I just read it a long time ago, but I'm planning on maybe sending it off to a book publishing company.