Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Dog Story

I wrote this story for the Black Warrior Storytelling Festival in which I was one of the storytellers. The experience is remarkable and I am honored to be asked to share a story. The story is written to be performed, not simply read so it may be a bit choppy. The italicized words represent the dog speaking. Hope you enjoy it!

Today I’m going to tell you about dogs. No, I’m not a vet. No, I’m not a trainer. In fact, this isn’t another “pet story”...a Marley and Me kind of story; although it does involve a dog named Marley. And one named Abby. And one named Zorro. And one named Nub.

You see, I’m a dog magnet. I attract dogs of all kinds--literally and figuratively. However, I’m focusing on the literal kind today.

When I thought about a story to tell, I realized that every story I started to write involved a dog. A dog to rescue, a dog to comfort, a dog just to be a dog. Then I realized that the fictitious dogs didn’t compare to the ones that had been my own actualy dogs.

So this is my story told through the eyes of my dogs.

The first one was a Boston Terrier named Nub.

I have no tail. It is just a nub. So my owners call me Nub. I hang around a family with a little girl with curly blond hair who tends to pick me up a little too much.
But I have a problem. I like to chase cars, especially the paperboy and his reckless car. One day, I got hit. I lay there breathing deeply, not sure if I was alive. I heard that voice, calling, crying, pleading for me to come to her. I had to obey. So I did. I pulled myself up and ran...after being hit by a car, I still found the energy and strength to RUN to her. As years passed, I gave up on chasing cars, but always found time to romp with my girl. I especially liked giving her a big slobbery lick on the back of her leg on a hot humid day. I’m her buddy. She sometimes calls me Nubby and I try to wag what little bit of a tail that I have. Usually I just wag my behind.

Years later, after Nub passed away, a special dog named Zorro entered my life. He was a black chow/lab mix.
Most of all, Zorro was a one family dog who was truly a snob.

It’s been raining and I don’t want to get my feet wet. Hey! Please put me in the basement for a storm is coming. Not just any storm. A big storm. Hey! HEY! PUT ME IN THE BASEMENT NOW!....Thank you. Ah, good, the storm has passed and the children are playing at the school yard. I think I will tease them by wagging my fluffy tail. Come closer little ones. come pet the dog with the wagging tail. Come on....RUFF!! Ha, ha, ha...they ran away. they ran girl. she is here. I will pose for the camera. Shutter snaps. Tail wags. Nice. I won’t look at her when she calls my name. I will just look regal and wistful and when the shutter snaps, I will look. Snap! How was that one? Good?

Zorro was a perfect model for black and white shots and he always made very artistic poses. Zorro was protective dog who, whenever I came home late, would walk through my home making sure it was safe. I was never afraid when Zorro was around.

Much later, a shiz tsu mix named Abby entered my life as I was getting married. She was black and white and quite a comedian. She would hide in the weirdest places--under the treadmill, under the baby’s changing table, in a pile of clothes that needed to be folded.
Abby had even seen ghosts in our house.

Hey. Whatcha doing? Are you going to eat that? Hmmm.....I think I’ll take a nap. Could you move over, please? I mean, just because you are sitting here does not give you the right to take my spot. What spot? The whole couch, silly! So, move...just move...(sigh)..

There’s is nothing worse than sitting with your dog and suddenly they just sigh out. Abby would do that though I was boring her. Then she would get up and leave the room. I would find her lying on the bed, snoozing.
It was like she was saying, well, if this is the best you can do, I’m going to bed.

But then other times, Abby would appear when I needed her most.
Hey. Whatcha doing? Are you crying? Ah...I’m here. Right here. Don’t cry. You have me to hold and hug. I’ll lick your tears away. Do you want me to just be quiet and little? I’ll sit in your lap and you can hold me and hug me until you feel better. I’ll just listen. I’m your angel in furry pajamas, remember?

Abby was there during some very sad times in my life. The worst time was when I had to let her go to live with my ex-husband because my youngest son is allergic to dogs.
Don’t worry. I’m not going far. In fact, I’m going to watch over your sons when they are gone. Remember...I’m your angel in furry pajamas.

I dismissed the idea of getting another dog. My son Parker is allergic to them, I am a single parent raising two young sons...when would I have time or energy to take care of a dog? even though my older son Hunter longed for a dog....I knew it would be difficult to have one...

Then one afternoon a strawberry blonde with a black nose showed up in our yard.
She had no collar and was definitely a puppy...and she was one of those dogs who would hang out at an elementary school visiting with the children before and after school.

But our neighbors decided to keep her. There was some disappointment and I heard myself telling my neighbor, “If you ever decide to not keep her, let me know. We would love to have her.” What? Where did that come from? Was I crazy? But I found myself thinking...if I could have a dog like that, I would get one....

And that’s when the wind changed direction, a certain twinkling in the stars occurred...
because on Halloween night my neighbor said, Do you remember when you said you would take Marley? I’m planning on taking her to the pound so if you want her, you can have her.

Oh no. What have I done?!

And now there is Marley...
I’m so happy. Happy, happy happy! Wow. Two little boys to play with. Come chase me! hahahaha...Oh, there she is. We’re going for a walk, right? C’mon, c’mon, c’mon...Let’s run, run, run! Wheeee! (cough!) okay, okay, I’ll slow down. I’ll wait. Oh wow. I think I’ll dig another hole. Oh. Let me dig one over there. Yeah, yeah. That’s it. Hmm...what does this root taste like? What is this green thing with flowers on it? I wonder what it tastes like? Oh, that long green tube thing...a garden hose. Yes, we had a fight. I won! Yea! Oh, you’re home! Let’s play! Come chase me!

As silly as it may seem...I really hear their voices and what they have to say.

You see, these dogs represent what I hope to be to others.
Nub offered affection and devotion. Zorro offered strength and dignity. Abby offered companionship and compassion. Marley has offered joy and hope.

All of these dogs have been what I long to be to others--a true, authentic, genuine friend.

So the next time you are around a dog or see a dog....hang around it for a little while. It probably has something to tell you. And I think it’s going to be something good.

1 comment:

Jesse Childe said...

ha figurative dogs...

Anyway...this is my favorite thing you've written so far. And that's saying a lot because I'm a cat person.